LEAPs Grant - March 3, 2020

The Humphreys County Board of Education intends to seek a Lottery for Education Afterschool Programs (LEAPs) grant. The grant will offer before and/or after school programs to students.

The proposed locations will include McEwen Elementary School, Waverly Elementary School and Waverly Junior High School.

Anyone wishing to participate in the planning of the proposal is invited to contact:

Kim Reese at MES; (reesek@hcss.org)

Andy Daniels at WJHS; (danielsa@hcss.org)

Vivian Spencer at WES; (spencerv@hcss.org)

Michael Mott at HCBOE; (mottm@hcss.org)

This is a competitive grant and there is no guarantee a grant will be awarded to Humphreys County.